Arab East Colleges

Academic Departments

Masters course directory

Business Administration



Computer Science and Technology

500 CASComputer Systems Fundamentals
510 CASComputer Programming
511 CASAdvanced Computer Programming
511 CSHuman Computer Interaction
512 CASData Structures
513 CASWeb Programming
520 CASSystems Analysis and Design
527 CSArtificial Intelligence
530 CASFundamentals of Database Systems
530 CSAdvanced Database Management Systems
535 CASDecision Support Systems
537 CSData mining
540 CASDistributed Business Applications
540 CSComputer Networks
542 CSResearch Methods
544 CSMobile Computing
547 CSInternet technologies
548 DARDatabase Management
548 CSDistributed systems
549 CSSelected Topics in Computer and Information Systems
550 CASInformation Security
550 CSComputer Graphics
551 CSComputer Vision
552 CSData Visualization and Data Analytics
553 CSNatural Language Processing
554 CSSelected Topics in AI
555 CSMachine Learning
556 CSDeep Learning
557 CSBig Data
558 CSOptimization in Artificial Intelligence
560 CASSoftware Project Management
560 CSSoftware Project Management
561 CASE-Commerce
561 CSInformation Security
562 CASQuality Control and Software Testing
562 CSCryptography and Cryptanalysis
563 CASEnterprise Resource Planning( E R P ) Systems
563 CSSecurity Risk Management and Organizational Cyber Resilience
564 CSAdvanced Networks Defense
566 CSSoftware Testing and Quality Assurance
567 CSMobile Application Development
569 CSAgile Software Development
570 CASBusiness Management
570 CSSoftware Metrics
571 CASPrinciples and Practices of Management
571 CS Advanced Software Engineering
572 CSInternet of Things
573 CSObject Orient Software Engineering
576 CSVisual Programming
578 CSCompilers and Interpreters
579 CSSelected Topics in Software Engineering
580 CASSelected topics in Applied Computing
580 CSAdvanced Computer Algorithms
581 CASSelected Topics in E-Business
582 CASSelected Topics in Web Applications and Services
586 CSTheory of Computation
587 CSMultimedia Applications
589 CSSelected Topics in Theoretical Computer Science
590 CSCloud Computing
591 CSSeminar in Computer Science
592 CSEthical Hacking
593 CSDigital Forensics
594 CSFuzzy Logic and Applications
595 CSMalware and Vulnerability Analysis
595 CSCybercrime and Security
596 CSCyber Crime Prevention and Protection
596 CSSteganography
597 CASResearch Seminar
597 CSRobotic Interface
598 CASMS Project 1
598 CSProject 1
599 CASMS Project 2
599 CSProject 2


501 EDUPhilosophical and Social Foundations of Education
RAD 501Foundations of Early Childhood Curriculum
PSY 501Educational Research
RAD 504Preparation of Kindergarten Female Teacher
BAS 505Designing and Developing Digital Courses
RAD 505Stages of Children’s Development and Learning
505 CURR Curriculum Foundations
507 BASUse of Digital Technologies in Education
BAS 509 Tools and Systems of E-Learning
RAD 509Psychological Guidance and Counseling for Families and Children
BAS 510Global Models of Technology Use
BAS 511Fundamentals of Educational Technology
٥١١ تربالبحث التربوي
٥١١ خاصالتواصل المعزز والبديل لذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد
511 DASHPrinciples of Educational Administration and Supervision
RAD 511Leaning Technologies and Their Applications in Kindergarten
٥١٢ تربأسس المناهج
RAD 512Measuring and Assessing Child’s Development
BAS 513Virtual Education and Training
٥١٣ تربتطبيقات الحاسب الآلي في التعليم
BAS 514Designing and Production of Educational Television Programs
RAD 514 Design of kindergartens Programs and Activities
BAS 515Seminar and Research on Education Technologies
BAS 517Integration of Computer Technology into the Curriculum
٥١٧ خاصأساليب قياس وتشخيص اضطراب طيف التوحد
BAS 518 Learning Management Systems and Content
518 SPEDMethods of Measurement and Diagnosis of Learning Difficulties
519 SPED Educational Programs for People withlntellectual Disability
RAD 519Quality and its Applications in kindergarten
EDU 520Educational Statistics
RAD 520Teaching Children Creative Thinking
BAS 521Independent Study on Educational technology
٥٢١ تربقضايا واتجاهات حديثة في التعليم
521 DASHIndependent Study in Educational Administration and supervision
٥٢٢ تربدراسة مستقلة
522 DASHTheories of Administration and Their Educational Applications
BAS 523Graduation Project
٥٢٣ تربالإحصاء التربوي
٥٢٤ دشتمبادئ ونظريات الإدارة وتطبيقاتها التربوية
525 SPEDEducational and Treatment Programs for People with Learning Difficulties
RAD 525Research Workshop on Early Childhood
526 SPEDModern Issues and Trends in the Field of Special Education
527 SPED Administration of Special Education Programs
RAD 527 Contemporary Issues on Family and the Environment
RAD 528Children’s Culture
510 SPEDSupport Services and Cooperative Work in the Field of Special Education
530 RDYGraduation Project
531 DASHComputer Applications in Education Teaching Administration and Supervision
٥٣٢ تربقراءات باللغة الإنجليزية في التربية
532 DASHIn-Service Training
٥٣٣ تقنأصول تكنولوجيا التعليم
533 SPEC Preparation and Application of Research in the Field of Special Education
533 DASHSeminar and Research on Educational Administration and Supervision
534 DASHQuality and its Applications in Educational Administration and Supervision
512 DASHEducational Planning
523 DASHApplied Educational Administration and Supervision
٥٣٧ دشتالتنمية المهنية في المؤسسات التعليمية
538 SPECA Case Study of Intellecutual Disability
542 DASH Economics of Education
٥٣٩ خاصالبرامج التعليمية لذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد
515 SPED Methods of Measurement and Diagnosis of Intellectual Disability
٥٤٢ تقنالتصميم التعليمي
٥٤٣ تقنالتعليم المدمج
544 SPECSeminar on Intellectual Disability
DASH 544 Graduation Project
545 SPECSeminar on Learning Difficulties
543 DASHClassroom Management and Learning Environment
541 DASHEducational Leadership
٥٤٧ دشتالجودة وتطبيقاتها في الإدارة التربوية
٥٥٠ تقنمصادر التعلم الرقمية
550 SPECEarly Intervention
٥٥١ تقنبيئات التعلم الرقمية
٥٥١ خاصإعداد خطة بحث
٥٥٢ تقنإنتاج المحتوى الرقمي ١
٥٥٣ تقنإعداد خطة بحث
٥٥٤ تقنالتعليم والتعلم الذكي
540 SPECA Case Study of Learning Difficulties
٥٥٥ تقنإنتاج المحتوى الرقمي ٢
555 SPECComputer and Uses in Special Education
560 SPEC Applied Behavior Analysis
565 SPEC Guidance in Special Education
٥٦٨ خاصدراسة حالة في مجال اضطراب طيف التوحد
580 SPEDGraduation Project
٥٩٩ تقنمشروع التخرج
600 ASAThesis
٦٠٠ تقنرسالة
600 SPECThesis
600 DASHThesis
600 RDYThesis