Arab East Colleges

Academic Departments

504 LAW - Lessons in Administrative Law

  • code:
    504 LAW
  • name:
    Lessons in Administrative Law
  • credits:
  • Program:
  • Department:
  • Arab East Colleges
  • Description:

    This course

    allows choosing from a variety of topics to deep study, analyzing and
    evaluating their legal cadre through clarification their disadvantages and
    advantages. These topics include: the effectiveness of legal controls in
    supervising the practice of management for its activity, the public utility and
    its various types, and the retreat of the role of public professional and
    economic institutions with the policy of privatization; monitoring of recent developments
    on the civil service; the legal cadre managing of the public funds, the administrative
    structure of the administrative contracts in the Kingdom, monitoring the
    development of the role of the local administration and measuring the extent to
    which it needs to develop its legal cadre.

    contracts theory’s development, the improvement in the