Arab East Colleges

Academic Departments

517 ACCT - Seminar in Governmental Accounting and Accounting of Non- Profitable Organizations

  • code:
    517 ACCT
  • name:
    Seminar in Governmental Accounting and Accounting of Non- Profitable Organizations
  • credits:
  • Program:
  • Department:
  • Arab East Colleges
  • Description:

    The aim of this course is to study the objectives of

    government accounting in non-profit units and the financial control in
    government units in the Kingdom. Student acquisition of related skills: Explaining
    the principles of government accounting in Saudi Arabia, summarizing the
    documentary courses of operations in government units, explain the accounting
    treatment of financial transactions in government units, explaining the
    accounting treatment of capital assets, As well as explain accounting treatment
    in non-profit units. The course also aims to develop self-learning, teamwork
    and learning resources.