Arab East Colleges

Academic Departments

507 ACCT - Seminar in Zakat and Income Tax Accounting

  • code:
    507 ACCT
  • name:
    Seminar in Zakat and Income Tax Accounting
  • credits:
  • Program:
  • Department:
  • Arab East Colleges
  • Description:

    The course aims to acquire the student's knowledge related to:

    The theoretical aspects of tax accounting,

    The development of the Zakat and tax system in the Kingdom

    And the theoretical aspects of Zakat accounting.

    The general framework of the tax and Zakat system and the procedures for
    collecting Zakat and tax in the Kingdom.

    - Student acquisition of related skills:

    In summarizing the rules of tax measurement in the Kingdom,

    Explain the relationship of tax measurement to accounting standards,

    Summarizing the rules of the Kingdom's tax system

    By explaining how to determine the Zakat pot,

    By filling in tax and zakat declarations,

    To explain the procedures for checking Zakat and tax.