Arab East Colleges


Master of Professional Accounting

Accounting is mostly studied at universities and colleges in three levels; university, master and doctoral levels. Each level has its own objectives and requirements. Studying accounting may take one of three main forms; one which directs the student deeply to applied intellectual research of accounting which makes the student prepared for academic research or accounting teaching, the second provides for the graduate a complementary study of matters not learned in the Bachelor degree or it deepens the student's knowledge of studies of the bachelor degree, while the third introduces the graduate to business administration, engineering or computer and prepares the student as a professional accountant, focusing on applied aspects in consistent with theoretical aspects of accounting thinking. Thus this shall be the Professional Accounting Master Program.

Program vision

To be a leading program, coping with the needs of society and labour market.

Program message

Preparation of the specialization students scientifically and practically to be able to perform exceptionally in the fields of accounting and research to serve the community through a stimulating educational environment as per the prevailing values and morals of community.

Program goals

AdmissionsTuition and fees


501 KMYQuantitative Analysis for Management 3
503 QSDManagerial Economics3
502 ACCTSeminar in Financial Accounting3
LAW 537 Seminar on Commercial Law and its Applications in the Kingdom3
507 ACCTSeminar in Zakat and Income Tax Accounting3
510 BUSFinancial Management3
509 ACCTManageral Accounting3
505 ACCTSeminar in Accounting Theories3
511 ACCTSeminar in Auditing and Control3
513 ACCTSeminar in Professional Accounting3
523 ACCTIndependent Study in Accounting3
525 ACCTPractical Training3
519 ACCT Research Paper in Accounting3
517 ACCTSeminar in Governmental Accounting and Accounting of Non- Profitable Organizations3
515 ACCTSeminar in Accounting Information Systems3
Electives from other department
506 BUS Research Method in Business3
508 BUSOrganizational Behaviour3
519 BUSIndepth studies in business subject3