Arab East Colleges

Academic Departments

511 DASH - Principles of Educational Administration and Supervision

  • code:
    511 DASH
  • name:
    Principles of Educational Administration and Supervision
  • credits:
  • Program:
  • Department:
  • Arab East Colleges
  • Description:


    brief description of the course:: This course represents a general introduction
    in the field of specialization that gives the students the basics of knowledge,
    theoretical concepts and terminology, a history of this specialization, the
    most important developments and research trends in this specialization, and the
    values and ethics of those engaged in the profession of administration and
    supervision. Awareness, values and human skills that enable him to further
    study the specialization of administration and supervision, as well as to
    identify the most important requirements of the profession of administration
    and supervision and its  relevance to the
    scientific study of specialization.