Arab East Colleges

Academic Departments

508 LAW - Islamic Criminal Legislation

  • code:
    508 LAW
  • name:
    Islamic Criminal Legislation
  • credits:
  • Program:
  • Department:
  • Arab East Colleges
  • Description:

    The aim of this

    course is that students recognize with a set of rules that lead the theory of
    criminalization and punishment in Islamic law. The student is sufficiently knowledgeable
    about the crime, its elements and circumstances which cause the absence of
    responsibility. The course also intends to explain the overall concepts of
    punishment in Islamic legislation in terms of the definition of its objectives,
    the criminal penalties for the various crimes. The course deals in deepen and
    applications of the theory of criminalization in Islamic jurisprudence and the

    general theory of punishment in Islamic jurisprudence.